Invest in Customer Feedback

Here’s the truth: friendly customer service is NOT enough. Often, companies don’t sufficiently invest in customer feedback evaluations because they believe hiring smart, friendly staff will produce adequate customer service. And yet, many of these same companies claim that customer service is one of their core strengths.

But why settle for adequate?  If you want to make strides and get a strong ROI on your customer service, you must exceed customers’ expectations.

In fact, an oft-quoted 2005 Gallup Research study reported that emotionally satisfied customers spent 67% more per year than customers who were dissatisfied or satisfied (ask us for the research).

Yes, that’s right: dissatisfied and satisfied customers spend virtually the same amount. That’s why it’s worth it to go above and beyond in your customer service.

The secret to leveraging your customer service is having a solid customer service evaluation program that continually shows you how and where to improve your execution.

Why It Matters

1. Get more with what you have in place. Businesses tend to spend a lot on customer service payroll, but little on evaluating the return on that expense. Objective customer service evaluations provide a reliable way to work toward effective, efficient customer service.

2.  Increase current sales and long-term loyalty. Great service brings customers back, plain and simple. When customers return—and recommend you to their social networks—you gain sales revenue.

So, customer service that strengthens ROI must go beyond simple satisfaction: it needs to emotionally engage your customers. But you’ll only get there if you have an objective customer service evaluation program measuring how often and the degree to which your associates create “wow.”

3. Reduce risk. Terrible Yelp and Google reviews are a looming threat for all companies, especially in today’s review-driven market. That’s why you need customer service evaluations in place to ensure that bad reviews don’t drag you down.


How It Helps

Remember, great customer service is an opportunity to create authentic interactions that:

  1. Ensure long-term loyalty
  2. Polish your online reputation
  3. Attract new customers

Good customer service never happens by coincidence or just by having smart, friendly staff. If you’re serious about customer service that delivers ROI, you need to invest in a rigorous Customer Service Evaluation Program that shows how you score, where to improve, and what that improvement looks like.

Onward and upward toward customer service that’s positive for your customers and profitable for you!

Find out more about Customer Service Evaluations. Let’s talk!

Categories: Customer Service Evaluation
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