Catch Martha Brooke next week at the 2019 CCW Vegas Conference where you can book time with her at the Brilliance Clinic, join her Advanced Customer Feedback session, and take part in 3 Roundtables Martha is leading with Medallia’s Rachel Lane.

On June 26th, Martha leads an Executive Club Track session on Expert Customer Feedback. Studies find that executives vastly overestimate the quality of their customer experience. Martha suggests this is for two main reasons.

First, companies tend to over rely on customer satisfaction surveys. Instead, they could be using better more primary methods for evaluating their customer experience. Second, even when surveys are the best way to go, data often suffers from response bias, gaming, leading questions, and other critical errors.

Martha discusses 5 common customer feedback flaws, finds 5 good solutions, and will still leave time to brainstorm customer feedback as a group!

On June 27th, Martha and Rachel Lane of Medallia will host three roundtables on VoC and the best customer feedback metrics including Customer Effort Score, Net Promoter Score and more… Martha and Rachel will facilitate conversations on measuring customer satisfaction in the ways that matter most.

On both days, Martha will be at the Brilliance Bar where you can have a one-on-one consult and discuss your customer service and customer feedback goals. With her attention to customer experience nuances and her zest for science-backed research, you won’t want to miss out. Martha will help you make your customer service great and your customer feedback profitable.

Categories: Interaction Metrics News
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