Martha Brooke brings science to the discipline of Customer Experience.

Martha is certified in Customer Experience (CCXP), and holds a Blackbelt in Six Sigma. She founded Interaction Metrics in 2004 and is its Lead Customer Experience Consultant.

Would you like a foundation in the science of customer surveys? Martha offers a free 55-minute workshop. Sign up here.

Martha Brooke, Speaker

Martha has been a featured speaker at numerous prominent conferences and events where she’s known for her sharp insights and new ways of approaching the customer experience. As Dennis Fitzgerald of Yaskawa America Inc. says, "Martha has her fingers on the pulse of today’s CX activity." Read more testimonials on LinkedIn or in the section below.

She’s been quoted by the LA Times for her alternative views on customer surveys. And she’s frequently interviewed on topics such as the pros and cons of Net Promoter Score. Catch her insights on the Interaction Metrics blog which is syndicated by CXPA, CustomerThink, and other portals.

Prior to Interaction Metrics, Martha worked for two dotcoms, and, and consulted for Nike and Adidas.

Organizations Where Martha Has Spoken

Some of the organizations where Martha Brooke has spoken include Project Management Institute (PMI), American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS), HDI, The Score Conference, Customer Solutions Expo, American Marketing Association (AMA), Operations Summit, Association of Support Professionals, SOCAP International, ASCRS, NICSA, CCW and many more.

Find out what Martha Brooke can add to your next podcast, conference, or webinar. ➔

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"Martha’s sharp wit and propensity to buck the status quo make for a great presentation. She’ll change everything you think you know about how to measure—and improve—the customer experience! "

Lisa Oswald, Head of Customer Service, ​Travelzoo and SOCAP International, 2019 Director


"Martha is a warm and engaging presenter. She has years of experience evaluating and creating customer feedback programs, and it showed. Her tips for improving surveys were concrete and I left knowing the steps I could take to make my surveys better. "

Laura Nash, AMA-PDX, Programs


"Martha, delivered an insightful and engaging presentation for Smart Customer Service. As the Conference Chair, she made me look like a hero and I look forward to hearing her speak again soon. "

Geoff Ables, Conference Chair: Smart Customer Service & CEO, C5 Insight


"Having Martha on my podcast was a treat. She shared great insights about customer satisfaction surveys and how to capture customer feedback. She’s an expert AND a great conversationalist! I give her FIVE STARS! "

Shep Hyken, Customer Service/Experience Expert and New York Times Bestselling Author


"I've had the pleasure of working with Martha at a number of venues over the last several years. No matter the forum, Martha 'delivers the goods' with keen insight and a fresh perspective. We can count on Martha to be a big draw for our events. "

Brian A. LaRoche, Director, Outreach Marketing, CallMiner


"An enthusiastic and energetic speaker who clearly understands surveys from the customer's point of view, but who also has the savvy and experience to show management how to solicit the customer's real opinions in ways that provide value to the organization. "

David Eckhart, Chair, ASQ Seattle Geographic Community

Where Martha has spoken:

Martha Brooke | Engagements:

Roundtables | Ongoing B2B Roundtable Series

For over 3 years Martha has been hosting B2B roundtables on behalf of CXPA. Speakers have included luminaries such as Jeanne BlissRob MarkeyMark SlatinAmy Bills, and Megan Burns, just to name a few. Coming up in October, Martha interviews Jim Tincher. If you want to sign up to be notified of upcoming events, go here.

Podcast: Greg Kihlström Interviews Martha about the Science of CX Surveys | Greg Kihlström, July 17, 2024

In this episode of The Agile Brand, Martha Brooke discusses the science of CX surveys. Listen here, or see the summary and the transcript here.

Conference | VoC Survey Science, Denver Colorado, May 1, 2024

Martha Brooke spoke at the CX Leaders Advance conference about survey biases, response rate, representative sampling, and analysis. The session included two breakout sessions to identify survey mistakes and mastermind the survey invite.

Podcast: Jason Bader Interviews Martha about Call Center Training | Jason Bader, January 10, 2024

In this episode of Distribution Talk, Martha discusses how to evaluate and elevate call center interactions. Listen here! Or, check out our post with highlights from the conversation here.

Podcast:  Mark Slatin Interviews Martha about The Science of Customer Surveys | Mark Slatin, June 15, 2023

Mark and Martha Brooke discuss gamed surveys, alternatives to NPS, and whether customer surveys are science or art. Listen here.

Conference | ASCRS Washington DC, Roundtable (April 23, 2022) and Session (April 24, 2022)
Tips for Effective Patient Conversations, Sponsored by CareCredit

Martha Brooke addresses your challenging situations, shares best practices, provides examples, and helps you turn difficult moments into great conversations. Through interactive exercises, you’ll learn how to develop rapport with patients, turning customer service into extraordinary experiences.

Podcast: Jason Bader Interviews Martha on Surveys in the Pandemic Era, Nov. 11, 2020

In this freewheeling conversation, Martha Brooke and Jason Bader chat about the shifting landscape of surveys and interviews during our COVID times. Now more than ever, companies need to get to the bottom of what’s going on with their partners, customers, and employees. And they need more than a few data points, they need fact-based insights they can act on. Listen here!

Panel Case Study Workshop: Rethinking CX, CXPA Portland, June 25, 2020

Feeling over-Zoomed? You won’t when Piper Smith of Nautilus, Matt Selbie of Oberon3, and Martha Brooke of Interaction Metrics break through the Zoom wall with a workshop to expand your CX thinking. Using the Harvard case study method, we  deepen your CX thinking beyond the usual  Net Promoter surveys. Matt argues for taking a hands-on operations approach. Piper takes a step back to discover the essence of the brand and Martha says only a science-forward research approach will get to the bottom of what’s really going on.

Podcast: Shep Hyken Interviews MarthaThe Future of Customer Feedback, June 20,2020

Shep Hyken and Martha Brooke have a great conversation about the future of customer feedback. While survey fatigue is real (and growing), Martha identifies 4 situations in which customer feedback surveys are clearly warranted. Listen here. 

CallMiner Webinar | Concrete Ways to Improve Your Surveys Today!

It’s hard to take a step without being asked to take a customer survey. But just because the world is littered with surveys, doesn’t mean that companies have their surveys down pat. In fact, in 2016, Interaction Metrics examined the point-of-purchase surveys for over 51 of the largest US retailers. Using a set of 15 criteria, this study concluded that the top retailers’ surveys get an F Grade. If such large companies are failing with their surveys, perhaps your surveys have room to improve too?! In this lightning-fast webinar, you’ll learn the 5 standards common to all effective Customer Listening programs. You’ll also learn the specifics of how to avoid biases and in your own survey questions. Examples will be shown in the context of actual surveys.


Support Driven Expo, Portland, OR | The Pros & Cons of Net Promoter Score 

Learn when to use Net Promoter Score, when to avoid it and what other questions and methods are worth considering. At the end of this session, you’ll know the pros and cons of Net Promoter Score. If NPS is almost right for you, but you want a question that is more scientific, you’ll learn how to tweak the net promoter question to boost its accuracy and value.


CCW: Customer Contact Week, Las Vegas | Executive Track: Customer Feedback Solutions

Studies find that executives vastly overestimate the quality of the customer experience they deliver. Two main reasons abound. First, companies tend to rely exclusively on customer satisfaction surveys. Second, that data suffers from response bias, gaming, leading questions and other critical errors. This lighting fast session unpacks 5 common flaws in customer feedback programs; finds 5 good solutions, and provides time to brainstorm customer feedback as a group!


ASQ, Seattle Chapter | Measuring Quality with Surveys and Other Methods

Quality is intertwined with consistency: consistent manufacturing outcomes and consistent customer experiences. But how do you measure consistency? And how do you determine if you are meeting customers’ needs? For many companies the answer is Customer Listening and that listening is conducted with a survey. Unfortunately, just because you have a survey doesn’t mean it’s been designed scientifically. Moreover, a survey may not provide the kind of Customer Listening you really need. This workshop teaches when to use surveys, when to avoid them, and other methods worth considering. It examines the 5 standards all Listening programs should be held to and then drills into the specifics of how to avoid biases and examples of high-impact questions—both shown in the context of actual surveys. In the workshop part of this session, you’ll get to try your hand at finding flaws in a survey. It can be done virtually via the webcast but we hope you’ll attend in-person!


CX Analytics Summit, Los Angeles | Workshop: 18 Ways to Improve Your Customer Listening (VoC)

This workshop teaches when to use surveys, when to avoid them, and what other customer feedback methods are worth considering. It examines the 5 standards all Listening programs should be held to and then drills into the specifics of how to avoid biases and examples of high-impact questions—both shown in the context of actual surveys. This is a high-participation workshop where you will get to try your hand at finding flaws in a survey.


Smart Customer Service, Washington D.C.`

Workshop content similar to the CX Analytics Summit above.

Ecommerce Operations Summit, Columbus Ohio | Masterclass, Workshop and Panels,

How much quality and consistency you provide at every touchpoint can make or break both your retention rate and profitability. To help you get there, Martha covers several key aspects of the customer experience.


Ecommerce Operations Summit, Columbus Ohio | Preparing Agents Who Rock Resolution & Achieve Great Customer Service

Customers can get hot under the collar quickly when there’s a problem, and a big contributor to your loyalty and retention efforts is how well and how fast you address each one. This session will look at recruiting and hiring, training and tools to help you develop a team that can take on even the toughest cases in an effective and professional manner.



Interview on Shep Hyken’s Podcast | How to Get the Most from Your Customer Feedback!

I’ll be discussing the best ways to improve and get the most from your customer feedback and may touch on my latest article about why Uber’s rating system radically fails everyone!

SOCAP Panel Workshop | You are Unique, Why Measure Customer Engagement Like Everyone Else?

For decades, we’ve been conditioned to believe there is a single, universal metric for measuring customer loyalty, whether you’re using NPS, C-SAT or CES. But your customers’ relationship with your business is far more complex than a single question could ever uncover. In this webinar, based on the popular workshop featured at SOCAP’s 2018 Re-Imagine Customer Care Conference, you’ll learn new ways to improve the customer experience that go beyond surveys to shake up your “business as usual” metric mentality.

SOCAP Re-Imagine Conference, Salt Lake City | The Myth of NPS & CSAT

Are you ready to ask yourselves – and your customers – the hard questions about your relationship with each other? The Net Promoter Score/System and traditional CSAT measures have, for decades, asserted there is a single, universal metric for measuring customer loyalty. Using a combination of statistics and social science, we debunk the single metric myth and learn new ways to improve the customer experience that go beyond surveys and set the stage for you to shake up your “business as usual” metrics mentality. This is a joint session with Lisa Oswald, Michael Callahan, and Martha Brooke.


ASPS Reboot Your Practice Conference, Chicago and Orlando | 7 Mistakes Associates Make that You Can Fix Tomorrow

We start by critiquing the recordings from various surgery practices (they volunteered!). Did the receptionist make the patient feel at ease? Do you think they did a good job sharing their doctor’s background? Would you be willing to come in for a consultation? We’ll discuss what these staff members could have done differently and where they succeeded.



Portland AMA, Portland PMI, Association of Support Professionals, etc.
Workshop: Get Your Survey Out of a Rut, Get a Better Survey

Could your survey be tuning customers out? It’s practically a given that every company will issue a customer satisfaction survey. But it’s not a given that every survey will improve customer satisfaction—or even uncover gaps and opportunities. There is a better way. In this workshop, participants see (using real cases and surveys) a few of the mistakes companies commonly make with their customer feedback programs. Then, we work in small groups to identify and resolve typical survey errors. Participants are also introduced to a 6-step process that leads to accurate data, actionable insights and paves the way for positive change.



HDI Conference & Expo, CRM Group, Private Corporate Sessions, etc.
Workshop: Branding Customer Service and Measuring What Really Matters

Actionable metrics are ones that get to the heart of the customer experience and account for multiple touchpoints, myriad personas, and different types of inquiries.  This workshop shows how to account for these situational details so that you have a truly accurate picture of what’s really going on with your customer service.


Martha Brooke | Specialty Sessions: